How do you make a mandolin sound beautiful?  

Sell it and buy a violin.

What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft?

A flat minor.

Why is a mandolin better than an harmonica?

The mandolin burns longer.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get away from the mandolin recital.

What is the difference between a mandolin and a '57 Chevy?

You can tune a '57 Chevy.


What do you call a musician without a significant other?


Why do bagpipe players walk while they play?

To get away from the noise.


How do you make a mandolin player play more softly?

Put a sheet of music in front of him.

How do you make a mandolin player stop playing?

Put notes on it?


Saint Peter is checking ID's at the Pearly Gates, and first comes a Texan.”Tell me, what have you done in life?'' says St. Peter. The Texan says, “Well, I struck oil, so I became rich, but I didn't sit on my laurels--I divided all my money among my entire family in my will, so our descendants are all set for about three generations.''  St. Peter says, “That's quite something. Come on in. Next!'' The second guy in line has been listening, so he says, “I struck it big in the stock market, but I didn't selfishly just provide for my own like that Texan guy. I donated five million to Save the Children.''  “Wonderful!'' says Saint Peter. “Come in. Who's next?'' The third guy has been listening, and says timidly with a downcast look, ``Well, I only made five thousand dollars in my entire life time.'' “Heavens!'' says St. Peter. “What instrument did you play?''

What is the difference between a dead squirrel lying on the road and a mandolin player lying on the road?

The squirrel was on his way to a gig.

How is lightning like a mandolinist' fingers?

Neither one strikes in the same place twice.

How do you keep your violin from getting stolen?

Put it in a mandolin case.

What's the difference between a mandolin and an onion?

No one cries when you cut up a mandolin

What's the definition of  “perfect pitch?''

Throwing a mandolin into a dumpster without hitting the rim.

What do a mandolin and a lawsuit have in common?

Everyone is happy when the case is closed.

What is the Range of a Mandolin?

As far as you can kick it.

A Mandolinist was hiking in the mountains, and he came upon a shepherd who was tending a large herd of sheep that were grazing in the alpine meadow. The mandolinist took a fancy to the sheep, and asked the shepherd: “If I can guess how many sheep you have, can I have one?'' The shepherd thought this was an odd request, but thought that there was little chance that the man would guess the exact number of sheep, so he said “Sure.” The mandolinist guessed “You have 287 sheep,” to the shepherd's astonishment, since this was exactly how many sheep he had. The mandolinist got all excited and asked “Can I pick out my sheep now?” and the shepherd grudgingly gave his permission. The mandolinist selected his sheep, bent over, and swung the sheep over his shoulders, to carry home with him. The shepherd then got an idea and asked “If I guess what your occupation is, can I have my sheep back?” The mandolinist was a bit surprised by this, but figured that it was unlikely that the shepherd would be able to guess his occupation, and went along with the deal. The shepherd then guessed “You're a mandolinist, aren't you?” The mandolinist was very surprised and asked, “How did you know?” The shepherd responded, “Put the dog down and we'll talk about it.”


What did the mandolin player get on his IQ test?


What's a tuba for?

1 1/2'' by 3 1/2'' unless you request “full cut.”

Mandolin Jokes
(Or so we would like you to believe)